Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Returning Home

So I've been extremely bad in that I haven't really written a word since my return to Boston a week ago. It's been hectic in settling back into my old schedule and also incredibly comforting to be back in that original routine. There's something to be said for routines, especially when nothing else is the same. I rely on those to sometimes get me through the harder days when all I want to do is curl up in a ball and shut out the world. We all have those days, right? When the external pressures of everything just get the better of us.

At least I haven't had one of those days yet since my return. But after a week, if I'd had one, that'd be a bad start to the year and I'm distinctly working on having the good year.

One of my unofficial resolutions this year has been to get healthier. I'm actually paying attention to my calorie intakes (the wonders of technology) and even planning on joining a gym. Apparently the YMCA in Chinatown has a recreational badminton league (go figure in Chinatown) that I want to check out. It would be great to start playing again. Yay.

Let's see if maybe I can be healthier and happier by the time I graduate in May. Fingers crossed.

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